Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Elenita

Sister Maria Elenita               ND 4848                 PDF Download
Terezinha RECK

Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province, Canoas, RS – Brazil

Date and place of birth:             June 11, 1934             Gramado, RS, Brazil
Date and place of profession:  February 18, 1954      Passo Fundo, RS
Date and place of death:           March 20, 2017           Recanto Aparecida, Canoas, RS
Date and place of burial:           March 21, 2017           Convent Cemetery, Canoas, RS

“Look at the birds of the air, look at the lilies of the field….” Mt 6:26-28

This biblical quote takes us back to a moment with the disciples in the company of Jesus in Palestine, making us remember the origin of Terezinha Reck´s family. She was born and grew up in the midst of nature at Serra Gaucha, known as the hydrangeas region.

Terezinha was the third of 18 children of Guerino Reck and Ana Wagner, of whom nine are still alive. Her intense contact with nature through agriculture and admiration of natural beauty awakened in her a love and fascination for all creatures.

At an early age, the Lord called Terezinha to follow Him more closely through religious consecration. At the age of 18, she followed the example of her sister Cecilia (Sister Maria Marieta), who had entered the novitiate in the previous year. Terezinha joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Passo Fundo, receiving Maria Elenita as her religious name.

She spent her second year of novitiate at the pre-seminar Nossa Senhora Aparecida community, Ivorá, dedicating herself to household services. This was her ministry for most of her life, sharing her gifts in service to others.  For eleven years she also ministered as nurse assistant in various hospitals. From 1973 on, she devoted herself mainly to the care of vegetable and flower gardens, among other activities. She had a special gift for herb cultivation.  For many years, Sister guided people in using herbs for preventive health care. She used to read, seeking information on healing through herbs and stated: “Nature has everything we need; it is the pharmacy of God”. In this way, she helped many poor people, unable to acquire chemical remedies, to care for their health and life. Cultivating flowers was her hobby, which continued even as her health declined. Though walking with a cane, she still watered the plants and fertilized them.

Sister Maria Elenita maintained strong family ties and loved to visit her family members. Later, when prevented by age and poor health from further visits, she rejoiced when her brothers, sisters, nephews, relatives, and friends came to visit her.

In her spiritual journey, Sister cultivated a deep love of Mary and was very faithful in attending Holy Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. She liked to sing and was a joyful, vibrant person.

From 2012, she lived at Recanto Aparecida community. In recent years she suffered from cancer, leading to her death on March 20, 2017 at 1:40 p.m.  Surrounded by her co-sisters, Sister fell asleep peacefully to the sound of chanting and prayers. May the good God welcome her and grant her eternal joy.

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